When Hope was about seven I recorded her singing a little Christmas greeting. I like to re-post it at Christmas. We mean it every year. Merry Christmas https://kenpierpont.com/wp-content/uploads/hopeamericachristmasgreeting.mp3 Or download this mp3 Merry Christmas
Real Tomatoes
Classic re-post from 2008 My cousin Di has Facebook now. When we were kids we saw each other regularly. We have our own families now and our own lives so we only see each other when someone dies, which is very sad. It was good to connect on Facebook. I scrolled through her pictures. We […]
Baseball Shoes
In the spring of the year my heart goes to baseball like a needle points north. I can almost smell the leather of the baseball glove, I can hear the crack of the bat, and I can feel the laces on the ball. The outfield takes on the emerald green of spring and little boys […]
Just Another Over-Sheltered Homeschool Kid
Thomas Lake is a pastor’s kid who was homeschooled by his parents… and now writes riveting, prize-winning, narrative journalism for Sports Illustrated and other nationally-known publications. Here he speaks at his alma mater, Gordon College.
Of Trees And Truthfulness
Hear me tell this old chestnut of a story by clicking here: Of Trees and Truthfulness This story is an old chestnut I have been telling for years. It is a rare story. A man only gets a few stories like this to tell in his lifetime. I first wrote it about twelve years ago. […]
Christmas in the Country
A Classic Christmas re-post for you to enjoy from 2004 One Saturday afternoon years ago I was working in the parsonage yard. It was cold and blustery. The first snow of the season took me by surprise. I welcomed it. Christmas was approaching. I noticed an unusual amount of traffic on our county road. All […]