This the time of the year nighttime temperatures have us looking around for sweaters and sweatshirts and thick quilts for the bed. Autumn is here but it won’t stay for long. It’s brevity is a part of it’s charm. In just a few, short weeks the glory of Autumn will turn into the gray of […]
Of Trees And Truthfulness
Hear me tell this old chestnut of a story by clicking here: Of Trees and Truthfulness This story is an old chestnut I have been telling for years. It is a rare story. A man only gets a few stories like this to tell in his lifetime. I first wrote it about twelve years ago. […]
My Pagan Barber
I’ve always considered a trip to the barber kind of a luxury, a social event. A barber shop is one of the places that hasn’t changed much over the last fifty years (except for a brief “styling salon” period in the seventies which went the way of the disco, thank God.) I just love a […]
Trouble on the Kokosing Gap Trail
Classic re-post from 2002 “You need to get more exercise,” they said. But when you weigh as much as I did that’s not as easy as it sounds. And on a perfectly innocent-looking day a few years ago it landed me in trouble. I had talked my then thirteen year old son Kyle into a […]
The Grace of Receiving
A classic from 2003 When we moved to Flint to assume the direction of the ministry here at the Character Inn we discarded or gave away many, many things. We now live in an apartment on the sixth floor in six rooms. We have a storage room in the basement. In preparation for our move […]
She is a Real Christian
Have you noticed that there are times it is really hard to act like a Chrisitan? When you have a personal conflict with another Christian it’s hard to act like a Christian. When you have a personal conflict involving sports, it’s really a lot harder. When you have a personal conflict with another Christian involving […]