It’s the day after Christmas. This is the time of year we begin to think about or goals and aspirations for the new year. I woke up early thinking about that. What shall I attempt and what shall I aspire to in the the new, short year of 2014? I have my own spiritual, physical, personal, and ministry objectives bouncing around in my heart and half-think and half-pray for an half-hour before I shuffle toward the shower.
While I groom I listen to a message my John MacArthur that was helpful to me a few years ago about what a pastor is supposed to do. It is a powerful, tightly-reasoned, biblically-rich message and it gets me thinking. You can watch the message here.
An inch of beautiful, powdery snow fell last night. I need to get the remnants of our Christmas celebration out to the road for pick-up this morning so I grab a shovel to “plow” it off the drive and make a path to the road. The cold air and physical stimulation help me think about the new year and the priority of holiness.
While I shovel it occurs to my heart that all my meaningful goals are rooted in the goal of progress in sanctification. My personal goals, my ministry goals, even my physical goals cannot be achieved without progress in personal holiness, without progressive sanctification. It’s all really about holiness. The idea has the ring of truth to it. That should be the trajectory of my heart and soul in 2014–toward holiness–growth in Christ-likeness through the means of the Scriptures (John 17:17), prayer, and relationships with other devoted believers.
If I grow in holiness I will be happier, healthier, more productive. Even if we face challenges this year they will not overcome us if we see how they contribute to our spiritual progress.
Praying for you to have a Happy, Healthy, Productive and Holy New Year.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
December 26, 2013