This week over eight thousand mostly young men are gathering for the Together for the Gospel Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The tweets are coming in about the conference and I am up at three in the morning wondering what dark force possessed me that I would fail to attend this conference. Every tweet is a sharp rebuke for my foolish neglect. What was I thinking?
In 2010 I stood with my son with tears streaming down my face and hands lifted bellowing gospel-laden songs with thousands of other men. I returned determined again to keep Evangel (our church) living up to her beautiful name-a place of Good News. I immediately preached a series of direct messages about the Gospel. People were saved as a result of that emphasis. Based on advice from a wise, older, godly pastor at T4G I launched my current sermon series Matthew’s Gospel. This has been powerfully enriching to my own soul and to our church. When last I attended T4G twice I ate, what else, Shepherd’s Pie at an Irish establishment down the street. I came home with a trunkload of wonderful books-most of them gifts. What was I thinking? One of my favorite recordings ever is the recording of the singing at T4G
This year I did not attend. I have no idea what I was thinking. Because of T4G2008 and T4G2010 I have a renewed devotion to the Gospel of Christ. What was I thinking? Consider me officially present in spirit at T4G12.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
April 11, 2012
PS. And I wish I had taken my daughter, because I want one of these godly, Gospel-saturated, Gospel-preaching, Gospel-devoted, Gospel-singing men for a son-in-law.
Here is an old video of the singing… I can’t imagine what a recording this year would sound like.
Two letters may remind you… RC 🙂 the best part was the Irish establishment!