I thought you might want to see a picture of the newest member of our “family” This is Heidi’s pup, Hazard. She found him in Kentucky, thus the name.
Bittersweet Farm
Filed Under: Current Thoughts
I thought you might want to see a picture of the newest member of our “family” This is Heidi’s pup, Hazard. She found him in Kentucky, thus the name.
he is just too cute…those ears! looks like the girls use their Mary Kay…. HE HE!
I like that puppy. Our two canines, Buddy and Sophia, say “Hi”. Buddy is a Walmart parking lot find, mixed breed weighing about 60 lbs. Sophia is a black poodle weighing in at a whole 7 lbs. -but she runs the house according to Ruthie. Some good advice on house-breaking and training puppies at http://www.siriuspup.com. Enjoy hearing from you all.
Dear Heidi.
He is so Beautiful,special puppy for a beautiful person.
thank so much for shareing
He hardly looks hazardous. 🙂 I hope he doesn’t live up to his name.
I’m not a pet person but he is adorable.
Oh my goodness! He is SO cute!!! <3