Sometimes I think I spend too much time and energy trying to always be doing something. Saturday afternoon we all went to the park with some comfortable lawn chairs and a Frisbee. It was a hot sunny day and a little humid, but we needed to be outside anyway. We put some lawn chairs in the Jeep and headed for a park. Near the playground Hope had her mind on, I found a huge Maple making wonderful shade. I took along a book I found in a garage sale earlier in the day, a simple volume that would require little of me. There was a breeze blowing under the tree. Hope played on the playground. The boys tossed a Frisbee. The girls chattered about nothing much. Lois took pictures and I settled into my chair and made half-hearted attempts to read the book.
It was good for a while just to be – and to do really nothing. It was good to be with others who are just being and not really trying to do too much. I made a mental note to remind my spirit to spend more time just being instead of trying to impress God, others, and myself so much with what I am doing.
There is something to be said for just being. Maybe that is the idea of Sabbath. The One who made us and knows us said to spend one day a week just being and not doing. Before I die I’d like to get good at that.
And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. (Mark 6:31 NKJV)
Ken Pierpont
Brook Place
Hinsdale, Illinois
August 12, 2007
I thought about what you wrote here last night. We had gone out to run and I was sitting in my dad’s car with the door open waiting for him to finish his workout. It was one of those perfect late summer evenings – 75 degrees, sunny, and a soft cool breeze. I looked out across the beautiful pines and the perfectly manicured golf course. I heard the falling water from a nearby pool and the thump of tennis balls releasing off the racquets of those playing on the courts to my left. And there, for a few minutes I just was. Frankly, it had been a bit of a discouraging day and then to come outside, to run (and break my short loop PR 🙂 ), and then just to sit and be, what a gift of love from my heavenly Father. If you’re ever on your way west or something you should stop by for a day or two. I think you’d like it.
May God bless you today.