On the Lord’s Day we drove to Guadalajara and participated in a service there at Jorge’s church. His father is the pastor. It was a beautiful service. We sang and Mr. Gothard preached on meditation. After the service we went to the Soreno’s beautiful home for an afternoon of feasting and Christian fellowship. At the close of the afternoon we all gathered to sing Amazing Grace in Spanish and in English and our hosts told us why they wanted to treat us to such a feast.
Their hearts were filled with gratitude because it was American missionaries that first brought the gospel to their people.
We are leaving Chapala today and going back to Monterrey. The trip can be done in ten hours. It took us eighteen last time. We hope to trim it to twelve hours this time by shortening our stops. It is a beautiful drive. The Sierra Madre’s are in sight for the entire trip. There will be lessons on the way. I will be teaching the importance of Christian biography, how the mine the spiritual riches from biography and giving them an example from the life of Wilfred Grenfell.
Sure wish I was a little mouse in a corner and could see all the sites and experience all the blessing….
Praise God for what he is doing.
Praying for your safety and wisdom as you teach.
Singing His Praise
“To Be Like Jesus”
Hi! We are glad to have this opportunity to hear the good news of what God is doing through all of you! We are friends of Michelle Main and heard yesterday that she is in need of prayer for her health. She is dear to us. If possible – please let her know that we ARE praying for her. We are praying for all of you! Greetings from NC. The Lord be with you all! God be glorified!
Keith and Kirsten McKim
Hello Brother Pierpont,
What a wonderful blessing to be able to read your updates on this awesome trip! Our son, Jonathan, was just recently able to share this website with us & we have thoroughly enjoyed reading each post & seeing the wonderful pictures as well.
You all are in our prayers and we are so thankful for the souls that have been saved & lives touched by HIM. We are sure that everyone will come back with lots to share but these posts have been great to read & get a glimpse of what is happening there as they are happening. We are sure that many parents feel the same way!
The LORD has given many blessings to all of you as you serve the people there for HIM & through HIM. We also thank HIM for the peace HE has given us back home who are praying for you all.
We realize that the trip yesterday was long but we are trusting you all arrived safely back to Monterrey. We too, like your Mom, would have loved to have been a little mouse somewhere on this trip; but hopefully, an unnoticed one!
Please give our love to Jonatahn: we are praying that he & all are completely well again; & give him a big thank you from us for sharing how to find your website! It has been thoroughly awesome! Your wife does take great pictures!
We are praying for your dear son & his dear wife and for all of your dear family as you are going through this time of grief for your family & those who know & love you.
God bless you all,
Carl & Betty Souther
Pr. 3:5-6
Pastor Pierpont,
Thank you for faithfully keeping the parents posted with the progress of the trip.Those of us at South Campus have been praying and fasting on your behalf. It has been exciting to ride along with you all as you experience God’s blessings and see the fields ripe for harvest in Mexico. Being a part of the ministry to the Mexican students has been life changing for our family and we are excited to have your family experience the same. Please tell our son Evan HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!!!!
hey pastor peirpont i wish that i could go with you guys ever were to expriance Gods hands work in people lives!! I miss your family much!!! Jenn
Hello Mr Peirpont, I am Jill Dutchak, Janny Moore’s aunt – I miss her dearly and pray faithfully for her everyday! Thank you for this website that I am some what able to see her and keep in contact with her and know that she is doing great! And is in God’s more than capable hands!!! If at all possible, could you please say hello to her from me, that I love her dearly and I am praying for her! Thank you! Jill