Why I Like Walking
Walking gives me time to think and listen and pray. I prefer to walk in a beautiful place where my soul can drink in the world around me. Walking is the right pace to listen to bird songs and smell the scent of the forest. When I walk I can think and I can enjoy flowers and trees and growing things. I like having a chunk of my day away from pressing responsibilities and the ubiquitous electronic devices that I have grown to love and depend on. I like to take my phone with me in case of emergency and turn it off so I will have uninterrupted time with the Lord and with my thoughts.
Walking is remarkably good for my health. At the end of this piece I have embedded an interesting video that shocked me when I watched it. Walking is much better for you than I ever realized. Watch the video. It’s engaging and I think you will be surprised at the amazing benefits of just walking for thirty-minutes a day.
Walking seems like what Jesus would have done. Last spring Lois and I rode a comfortable, air-conditioned bus all over Israel. To get to some of the sites required some pretty serious walking. The whole time I admired Jesus for walking all those places. The Bible never says Jesus jogged or ran. I think he just walked. He walked with his disciples and he talked with them in the way. He’s my hero and He walked everywhere he went.
O, and Hazard loves it when we walk.
What do you think? Would you rather walk or run?
Thanks for the post. Great video. I love walking. It’s been a very helpful habit to establish. It gives me time to pray and enjoy God’s beautiful creation. I love watching the seasons change. It gives me an emotional boost and extra energy. I sleep better at night and don’t wake up achy in the morning. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels are good. I think if more people started walking they’d get hooked on it and reap the wonderful benefits it brings. 🙂
Carolyn, you have the benefit of one of the most beautiful places to walk I have ever seen right out your door. You are an inspiration to the rest of us.