Red Jeep Journal
July 24, 2017
I’m deep in the mountains of eastern Kentucky, a region I have come to love. I’ve been traveling into these mountains every year for the last 39 years. I’ve come to love the people and the countryside here.
Sunday I preached at New Prospect Baptist. The church is pastored by my friend Dr. David Price. Sam Judd is his associate there. The church is out a road that is carved from a mountain and it rests on the bank of a tree-lined, meandering body of water called Laurel Creek.
There are bird songs here I have never heard before. It’s good for a fellow’s soul to quiet his heart and listen to bird songs and take long, winding drives in the mountains and go to church on the banks of a creek. You should try it some time.
I am encouraging pastors this week at a mountain pastors conference. I am speaking in the chapel you can see from this pic taken from the lodge where I am staying.
I’ll tell you an interesting story I mined out of the hills of Kentucky a little later this week.
Ken Pierpont
Oneida, Kentucky
Say hello for me to “my old Kentucky home”.
Hey, David. Sure miss you guys. Praying for you this morning. We have to catch up some time. Love you all much. -Ken