(Photo credit to our good friend and awesome, virant Christian witness Julie Gardenour–public school teacher who loves snow days.)
The Pierpont Family has homeschooled for over twenty-five years. We’re pretty hard-core about it, but there is one thing about the public school system that we especially like. We like snow days. Something wonderful about them. Snow Days. We had one Monday. Had to call of school completely. We just looked out there at all that new-fallen snow and said, “No school today. Snow day.”
I once heard an anecdote about Dwight Moody in the early days of the Chicago Bible Institute. A great snow fell in the Windy City. Moody strode in a declared a holiday on the spot. The students poured out into the snow. Moody liked snow days so I’m in pretty good company here.
When snow days fall on Mondays you can count on it. There won’t be any schoolin’ going on around here. It’s my day off and we will milking that snow day for all it’s worth. Hope you all had a good Snow Day, too. You should really try it. It’s good for morale.
I’m committed to being a happy man. I don’t have to have a Corvette (though that would be cool) or a cabin on the lake or a lot of money in the bank to be happy. I don’t have to be on a cruise to be happy. Sunny days make me happy. Work days make me happy. Days off make me happy… even snow days make me happy. It’s a sign of good emotional and spiritual health to look for reasons to be happy.
So here is some free advice: Be like Moody. Find something to celebrate today. Chose to rejoice and be happy.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
January 31, 2013
Anna moscastrol
Hi mr.Pierpont, Congratulations! It Is really Nice to know God’s word through your website, and i enjoyed so much to know your family and the “Snow day” Haha…. Please write more about your family and their daily routine. You guys look great christians. God bless.
Anna Moscatrol.