Here is a valuable tip for any time of the year. It was the theme of my message for Momence yesterday morning. There is one activity that the Lord promises to bless. In fact the promises attached to this one simple activity are staggering. According to the Bible it is the secret to true, lasting success in life. Anyone can do it no matter where in the world they are, no matter how much money or education they have. God promised that the secret of success in life is to have communion with God through meditation on his Word day and night. (Psalm 1; Josh. 1:8) What better goal could a person adopt for the New Year than one that would yield such powerful results? I am planning on reading steadily through the Bible early in the mornings during the first few months of the year. What are your plans?
Pastor Ken,
Thank you for the powerful message as it was a great message to start the New Year. The message of real success was truly convicting for me.
Pastor, I thank you so much for the inspiration you are to me and my family. I know God is using you to accomplish Great things at First Baptist and the town of Momence. This town needs Gods healing hand upon it and I firmly believe you have been divinely appointed to begin this work as you already have. I believe and have faith the Saturday mens meeting is going to have a huge impact on this community.
I pray for Gods continued blessing on you, your family and your ministry.
Thank you for dedicated service to the Lords plan.
Your brother in Christ
Mike Lucas
Thanks, Mike. God bless you.