Paster Pirrpont I really enjoyed the service this morning.It was like I could feel Gods presents just like every Sunday.and I believe tnat is the way it should be for everybody.I love the Lord more know than I have in the past 4 years.and I am ready know if I wouldant be here tomorrow.I was sitting this morning and was just waiting for you to say something about when when we talked,but that’s ok tho.keep up the good work on serving the Lord.One day I want GoD to say to me well done my faithfull servant.GOD BLESS
Mike. Thanks. We are going to tell your story… It will be powerful. I’m waiting for just the right time. Thanks for your testimony and for spending time with me.
michael warner
Paster Pirrpont I really enjoyed the service this morning.It was like I could feel Gods presents just like every Sunday.and I believe tnat is the way it should be for everybody.I love the Lord more know than I have in the past 4 years.and I am ready know if I wouldant be here tomorrow.I was sitting this morning and was just waiting for you to say something about when when we talked,but that’s ok tho.keep up the good work on serving the Lord.One day I want GoD to say to me well done my faithfull servant.GOD BLESS
Mike. Thanks. We are going to tell your story… It will be powerful. I’m waiting for just the right time. Thanks for your testimony and for spending time with me.