(A classic re-post from 2007)
Can you hear the voice of God calling to you in the sweet turning of the seasons? I always have. Since I was a little boy on my way to school kicking leaves piled on the sidewalk, smelling the first wood fires of fall, I have had a mystic urge, a Godward pull on my spirit when the seasons change.
In the first book of the Bible it says “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” (Gen 8:22 NKJV) God created the world with seasons as merciful signs to us of his faithful working. Do you notice? Are you paying attention? Are you listening?
I never want to allow my heart to get so hardened with hurt, or guilt, or cynicism about the bad and ugly things in the world that I am not alive to the hand of God, and the work of God, and the beauty of God in everything around me.
Let the turning of the seasons turn your heart toward God and his Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Brew some coffee, light a candle, pick up a Bible and read Psalm 65 slow and thoughtful. Take a walk under a waxing autumn moon this week and listen the music of the night. Take your family to church and quietly thank God for all He has done for you. Stop before you eat and thank God for all the meals you have eaten all your life.
The turning of the seasons is a good time to turn toward the Creator God.
Ken Pierpont
Brook Place
Hinsdale, Illinois
September 19, 2007
dad this is a great piece. you have put into words the very feelings i have at this time of year…come to think of it, those feelings have a large part to do with you too.
happy fall
i agree. great piece.
good word ken, love you dear.
hope your having a great time up there in all of that color.
It would be much better if I had you here to enjoy it with me. I love, you Lois
Thanks for reposting this. Autumn is my favorite season… I see why people take Color Trips…. I was brewing over something I heard yesterday that broke my heart and low and behold after praying God gave me in my quiet time just the words I needed to trust Him with this… Autumn is a season for God to tell us I KNOW where you are and I will never leave you…