I listen to WWJ 950 to get weather and news. The other day I heard this add for Walsh College, illustrating how tight the job market is these days. Made me smile.
A growing company in Southfield, seeks a team player who can walk on water. Must have strong presentation in 11 languages, including Klingon. Ideal candidate can work independently and telepathically. Requires 2 hours sleep, 3 on weekends, and possesses Masters degree, Nobel Peace Prize, and membership in at least 3 secret societies. References must include one living president. Applicant must submit an original self-portrait in watercolor and 800 page memoir, along with your resume. This position is for a summer internship.
Hey DAD just looking around your site and noticing how cool it is. You need to get more of your book!! And I love reading and hearing your writing. My inspiration. Love you!!
Ray Glanert
Dear paster Pierpont
I am not able to get out to church any more because I am so short of breath but I do enjoy hearing you on the procast the only thing is I miss hearing the music and it would be a lot better if it came throu on V V D
P S To bad that I never learned how to spell Love Ray