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Thanks Nathaniel Bronner for sending so many people my way.
I too had a wonderful Grandfather who had great values which I am a recipient of. I too in my youth( 3 yrs old and up) would go with my brother up to the farm and work, play and just learn about the wonders of this world. I am so thankful to this day that God seen fit to be included in my Granfathers life and be given such a wonderful blessing as God gave me when I became his Grandchild. I have other siblings and many cousins but it was my brother and I who were so blessed. Yes we learned what honest hard work is and I still have those values to this day along with knowing the value of my words. I am accountable to God for them and I don’t think I let HIM down none to often. Thank you Jesus. God bless you.
Sincerly ,
Gail Marks
hard work and keeping one’s promises. it’s always been a wonderful concept, yet no one seems to live by those rules anymore….
thanks for reminding everyone about the basics…. i keep reminding my children of this on a regular basis, yet without backup from others to drive the point home, it’s hard to make it stick. thanks for reminding me why i do this and why it is not done in vain.
Thanks for your comments. Thank God for a godly heritage and may God help us to pass it on to the generations to come.