I have had a photographer “on retainer” since September of 1979. Monday I had to drive to the Lower Huron Park to see the Redbuds while there were briefly in bloom. Lois took this beautiful picture for me. Thank you Lois
You don’t always have to understand things to enjoy them. Like Redbud trees.
Saturday night Lois and I spent a delightful evening having dinner with friends from the church. It was dusk as we made our way home. We took time to drive the winding way along the Huron River to drink in the fading light of a spring day. We had the whole park nearly to ourselves. For long stretches the road is lined with scores of Redbud trees and they putting on a display of stunning color just for us. There were places in the falling light that there were so many of them that there were banks of purple haze against the backdrop of the greening forest.
Where the river passes under the road there is a pleasant bridge and a beautiful walking bridge in sight to the west. The setting sun reflected off the water. The drive through the park was good for my soul.
I’m not sure why Redbuds are purple. I think Redbuds buds are red. When the buds open the flowers are purple. If I had been around when they were naming this tree I think I would have called it something else to avoid confusion, but I don’t always understand everything about things that I enjoy. You can add Redbuds to that list.
I’m watching close for the Dogwoods to blossom. The opening of the Dogwoods is cause for celebration every year. They will probably begin their brief and beautiful display this week. Maybe I will wear a bowtie to celebrate.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
May 4, 2009
Chuck Smalley, Sr.
The eye and mind receive much pleasure when veiwing the various flowering creations of Our Maker, But! at this same time of the season God has sent forth the trees of value to the instil into man,”By their Fruits ” one shall know them, The Apple, Pear and of course the Cherry trees have and are in their beauty in full blossom, supplying man with great appreication for The Makers’ concern for the needs of Man, also the much needed Honey Bee to maintain a ample harvest, God is Great in His planning man’s needs for both body and soul.