Jerry B. Jenkins is co-author of the amazingly popular Left Behind series. He is also the chairman of the board of the Moody Bible Institute. He is a prolific writer and a pretty irregular blogger, but I stumbled on an interesting blog post today. I am fascinated by the study places of pastors and the writing places of writers. I have had my study in an attic, a basement, a laundry rooms, a spare bedroom, the corner of a used bedroom, the corner of an old Grange Hall, on office in the Professional Center of Agriculture, and some of very nice studies custom-made just for me.
At the Character Inn I had an office and an inner study I called Narnia. Dan and Wes have great memories of that place. Part of their education happened there. Here at Evangel I have a beautiful place to work. I have an outer office were I can have larger meetings and classes and small committee meetings and I have an inner study with French Doors, a beautiful arched window and eleven-foot ceilings with book cases all the way to the ceilings on two walls.
But check out Jerry Jenkins’ little writing “cave.” Here is a photo and a link to his site.
Here is a link so you can salivate over the rest of his wonderful pictures.
I think I could get a lot done here, what do you think?
PS note the special Moody Bible Institute rocker and chair. I think you have to be Alum of the Year to get one of these. I saw Uncle Johnny Johnson’s (Holman Johnson from Barakel)>
Here is a video of one of the places where I work. Much of my writing happens in the corner of our bedroom, at the family table, or in the family room in my recliner…