Today is a bitter-sweet day for us. Two of our eight children have married and live in other states. Three more will leave today. Holly and Hannah are leaving this morning for the summer to counsel at Lake Ann. I’ve seen what the girls are taking to camp for the summer. Holly’s little Ford will […]
Peanut Butter Again
I think I told you before that my grandfather repeated himself a lot. Did I already tell you that? Here is one of the stories he repeated frequently. It’s lunchtime in the factory. A couple guys open their lunch buckets. One of them unwraps a sandwich and then throws it back into the lunch bucket […]
A Flyover of Genesis
06:00 PMKen PierpontSeries: A Flyover of the Books of the Bible; Genesis
Tell Them
11:00 AMKen PierpontSeries: Growing A Family With A Lifelong Love For God; Deuteronomy 6:7
Speaking Gently
While doing some research for my series of messages on a family with a life-long love for God I discovered this helpful post from “Andrea” Because we are around our children so much, especially if homeschooling, then it seems there are more opportunities to be frustrated or agitated at our children. We can also look […]
Summer is a Time for Growing
The season between Memorial Day and Labor Day is a special time in our part of Michigan. The sky has been clear this week and the moon has been full. It has been as warm as mid-summer. Last week we were blessed with life-giving showers. Everything is growing. Summer is a growing time. It can […]