Series: Revelation Title: What Lasts is What Matters Text: Revelation 11:1-19 Bethel Church Ken Pierpont–Lead Pastor January 31, 2021 AM
What Lasts is What Matters (Video) Sermon
Series: Revelation Title: What Lasts is What Matters Text: Revelation 11:1-19 Bethel Church Ken Pierpont–Lead Pastor January 31, 2021 AM
Bittersweet Farm Journal (Number 102) Mickey Nails and a Political Rant
I’ve been mostly alone out on Bittersweet for last few days. Lois went to Disney with Heidi and her children. I stayed here and kept the snow shoveled, changed the furnace filters, kept the pipes from freezing, fed the birds, checked the anti-freeze, watched weather reports on the news, and tried to keep alternately wrapped […]
Bittersweet Farm (Number 101) Writing Shorts
A Mild Winter So Far Yesterday there were tracks from birds and deer and racoons in the snow around the bird feeder. I think one of the neighbor cats even sauntered over and nosed curiously around. The other night I came in from a late meeting walking slowly and carefully on the ice and snow […]
Sin Makes You Stupid (Audio) Revelation 9
Series: Revelation Title: Sin Makes You Stupid Text: Revelation 9:1-21 Bethel Church-Jackson, Michigan January 17, 2021 AM Ken Pierpont Lead Pastor
Sin Makes You Stupid (Video) Revelation 9
Series: Revelation Title: Sin Makes You Stupid Text: Revelation 9:1-21 Bethel Church-Jackson, Michigan January 17, 2021 AM Ken Pierpont Lead Pastor