Here I will keep my most cherished books.
Friday night and Saturday I completed a project that has been on my heart for a year. I assembled bookcases to house my most treasured books from my favorite authors on the stairwell landing on the second floor of the little farmhouse on Bittersweet. Just outside the door to the room where I write I can now have a small library of about 500-600 books. That should be just right for long, cold, quiet winter nights.
Snow fell overnight. A light powdery blanket, about four or five inches of it. It was a beautiful drive to church this morning. The trees arching over the road were outlined in bright white snow. That always has the effect of stimulating worship in me.
It’s now Sunday afternoon as I write. It’s cold–very cold but the days and getting longer and the sun is lingering longer over the woods south of the house. I finished plowing and I’m savoring the warmth and quiet of the house. Actually at the moment I’m enjoying the rare treat of sunlight falling right on my writing desk this afternoon. Hey, I’d love to hang out more, but I need to go fill the bird feeders before dark.
When “Love” is Unloving
I have a friend who is very dear to me. For a number of years he was involved in a practice which the Bible specifically says; “God will judge…” Those who practice this sin, the Scripture says; “The Lord is the avenger of all such…” To persist in this sin, the Scriptures say; “…and such will not inherit the kingdom of God…”
In frequent conversations with my friend I would show him love and personal interest. We would meet and we would talk about things that mattered to us, things we had in common. There was never a time that I would meet with him that I would not gently remind him what God had to say about what would happen if he continued in this sin. I was gentle and kind. I didn’t badger him, but I warned him. I taught him the truth.
Because I loved him, I was faithful to warn him. If I did not tell him what God said, it would not be love—it might be sentimental feeling, but it would not be genuine love.
I once heard Jay Kessler, the head of Youth for Christ say, “Love will never participate in another’s folly.” In other words it is not really love if we endorse things that God forbids.
If I know the bridge is out and I smile and wave and blow you kisses, I am not showing love to you. A failure to warn you of the danger ahead would not be love, it would be immorality worst kind.
This does not mean that every time I spend time with someone who is far from God I need to rebuke them or badger them. This does not mean that I need to shun them. Jesus didn’t do that. Jesus looked beyond the surface matters and showed love and warmth while he asked questions that probed down into the secrets of their hearts. And doing so He often set them free from their sin and the judgment that was sure to follow. (Read John 4)
Last week pastor Leo, former pastor at Bethel, preached while I was at Camp Barakel. He said it this way; “Sometimes it isn’t kind to be nice. Sometimes being nice is unkind.” Sometimes being nice is not being loving. Sometimes to love someone you need to warn them, disagree with them, even sometimes rebuke them.
Paul told Titus that sometimes he would need to rebuke the people sharply. (Titus 1:13) Sometimes he would need to rebuke with all authority and let no-one disregard him. (Titus 1:15) This might not be seen as loving, but sometime loves requires hard things.
Turn At My Reproof
Years ago I had a difficult conversation with a young man about this very thing. I was careful, but I tried to be clear and warn him that the way he had chosen to live was not pleasing to God and it would not end well for him. He listened. We talked for hours over an open Bible. He went on to live a life pleasing to God. He married and raised a beautiful Christian family. He was a leader in his church and business community. He was loved and respected.
He died unexpectedly at the age of 60. I preached his funeral. There were over a thousand people there who loved him and respected him, people whose lives were touched by him and deeply enriched.
The book of Proverbs says “If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make my words known to you.” (Proverbs 1:23, ESV)
This young man listened humbly to correction, turned to the Lord, God poured out his Spirit and his blessing on him. Everyone who knew him could see it.
Don’t say you really love someone if you will not warn them of danger. That is not love, it’s something else.
Ken Pierpont | Bittersweet Farm | Summit Township—Michigan | January 27, 2109
Thank you Pastor Ken for this gentle reminder of what love is and what it is not. I enjoy, and am blessed by your written work. God is so awesome and good to His children.
Thanks for reading Uni. I’m glad the writing is a blessing to you. My goal every day is to nudge everyone I know a little closer to Jesus… I hope I have done that.