I was reading John Piper’s practical book; “When I Don’t Desire God” and I found a humorous reference to coffee. Read on:
“The discipline to rise early is not as difficult as the discipline of going to bed. This did not used to be so. Before electricity and radio and television and the Internet, going to bed soon after dark was not so difficult. There wasn’t much to do. Today the strongest allurements to stay up and be entertained are against us. Therefore, the battle against weariness, which makes us drowsy as soon as we open our Bible in the morning, has to be fought in the evening, not just in the morning. When you have decided when the alarm will call you to prayer, then decide when you must go to bed so that you are not exhausted when the alarm goes off. If you need caffeine to keep you awake in the morning, I will leave that with your conscience. Maybe that’s why God created it. Staying awake to pray is certainly a better use of caffeine than staying awake for almost anything else.” (emphasis mine)
love the post…defo love the picture of two of my fave things in all the world…ESV and coffee.
This is a well-received blessing of good sleeping habits. This has become one of my worst, lately. Lately, my blood count has been low, and as a result, getting up in the morning has become a real problem. I never have been a morning person, but now with this extra burden on my body, I find it difficult to arise, and get on with serving.
When I first smell the coffee, my head is filled with knowing that, upon drinking, I will be revived from my sleepiness.