When I was a boy I distinctly remember a faithful pastor who was used of God to help me and my family but he seemed to have a frown on his face most of the time. He had a visiting evangelist come to the church and they extended an invitation. Both of them stood there stone-faced and stealy-eyed–almost glaring… I went forward for prayer in spite of their frightening appearance, but I thought to myself, “If I am ever a pastor, I am going to smile, especially when I am inviting people to Jesus.”
When I was about 25 I was a youth pastor and I took a group of teens to Word of Life Island. That week I sat under the teaching ministry of Ron Blue from Dallas Seminary. His messages were convicting and inspiring and instructive and I noticed that he preaced with a smile on his face. I reminded myself. “I want to preach with a smile on my face.”
Well that was a long time ago. This week I spoke in a Christian school. I have a standing invitation to speak there. When I arrived one of the faculty members said; “I was so glad when I heard you were speaking today.”
“Thank you,” I said, “I was so glad to be invited.”
She said; “When they told us that Ken Pierpont was speaking today I said, Is he the preacher who smiles all the time?”
That put a smile on my face.
Ken Pierpont
Granville Cottage
Riverview, Michigan
February 6, 2016
Here is a message my J. Ronald Blue preaching at Dallas Seminary. Take a look. Do you see what I mean? Smiles when he preaches.