Twenty-one years ago tonight Charles Kenneth Pierpont was born at Foote Memorial Hospital in Jackson, Michigan. He was born at exactly 10:00 p.m. and he was at home on Dogwood Drive by midnight. He’s been a great guy to have on the team. He has a great sense of humor. He is a very bright […]
The Secret of Joy
I try to be a happy man. A sad Christian is a public rebuke to his God. They say a flag flies over the castle when the king is present. The idea inspired this little chorus we used to sing; “Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of your heart when the King […]
I’m Thankful
Its Thanksgiving morning. I got up early, brewed a pot of coffee spent some extra time reading my favorite Bible and thinking about how good the Lord has been to me. From my desk at work I can look out through a beautiful arched window on the campus of the Institute in Basic Life Principles […]
IT IS THE DAY OF THE OHIO STATE V. MICHIGAN RIVALRY. THIS MAY BE THE BIGGEST ONE EVER. I FELT LED OF THE LORD TO SEND THIS NOTE TO MY FAMILY THIS MORNING: You all know that since my earliest childhood I have memories of the tradition of enjoying college football with the people that […]
Holly Writes
Take a look at Holly’s post about the weekend of ministry. I think you will like it.
Dolly and Skippy
Two dogs lived on Grandpa’s farm, Dolly and Skippy. Skippy was colored like a Beagle but he had long legs and was about the size of a Golden Retriever. He was a sturdy, affable farm-dog. He lay on the porch when Grandpa was home. He followed him to the field when he was farming. When […]