Singing Together is a Means of Being Filled With the Spirit
A few years ago I was meditating on the letter to the Ephesians. In the past I’ve always thought the list of things that follow “…be filled with the Spirit…” were results of being filled with the Spirit. I came to understand that:
singing together (19)
giving thanks together (20),
submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ (5:21-6:9), and
standing against the Devil’s schemes (6:10-18)
–these are not results–they are means God has given us to be filled and controlled by the Spirit. They are intended especially to work in the community of those who are redeemed–the church gathered.
This morning, when I rose I was not in the mood to pray or read my Bible. I was not interested in listening to a preaching podcast or read edifying things. My heart was cold and my spirit felt lifeless. I started to clean the kitchen and put some coffee on to brew. I lit a candle, then I put on a recording of thousands of pastors and christian leaders singing hymns. Within minutes tears were running down my face and my heart was warm for God. I had a powerful desire to worship and pray. Ideas came to my heart.
Even though I wasn’t there singing with others, they were singing together and my heart was filled with God. I hope this helps you to walk in the Spirit. Here is a link to the music.
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