Jim was in despair. Worry had taken over his life. He was hospitalized with shingles in pain and feeling that he could not make it through the night. In despair he sat down and wrote a farewell note to his wife and son.
First Week at the Character Inn
Our first week living in the Character Inn is complete. When we arrived a group of young people on the Inn staff were singing to welcome us. Our family sang back to thank them. They have been working hard to familiarize me with the operating systems and procedures.
My Green Desk
I said good bye to an old friend the other day. We have been together for over twenty-two years. He was my old green Steelcase Executive desk. It was a huge boat of a thing. Strong enough to survive a nuclear blast. The desk moved with me from Xenia, Ohio to Celina, Ohio to Niles, […]
God Substitutes
Some of the Psalms are Psalms of Assent. They are songs for the road when you are on a holy pilgrimage. It is especially helpful to think of Psalm 133 that way. At least twice a year the fathers and sons would make their way from wherever they lived to the temple in Jerusalem. (Deuteronomy […]
The Latest News
We are working hard preparing for the conclusion of our ministry here in Fremont and the beginning of our new family ministry. We will keep you posted on what is happening here on the web site. Two days a week we are working at the Character Inn and the rest of the week we are […]
News from the Pierpont Family
The season of ripe corn and goldenrod is slipping away and the days are getting shorter. The apple harvest is being gathered in.