At least for a while I am the Village Parson again, even while I am directing an urban-based ministry. Sunday morning and evening we drove out to the village of Byron to assume me new duties as regular pulpit supply until they get their new pastor. The church is a beautiful red brick colonial. My […]
A Church Where Grandpa Would Feel At Home
In 1987 I was called to pastor a rural church a few miles as the crow flies from where my Grandpa Pierpont’s old farm. I have my grandpa’s name: Kenneth Pierpont. One day after driving to Newark on a hospital call and stopping to visit my grandpa’s grave I wrote this essay.
When Kyle was growing up I was always telling him stories. Now that he is on his own a little when we get together more and more he has his own stories to tell. On the way home from picking him up from his first year of college he told me a touching story about […]
This Week (September 15-21, 2003)
This weekend I preached in South Haven. It was a perfect early autumn-like weekend. On the way over we visited my little brother Nathan’s new home and spent the night there enjoying a long talk with coffee by the fireside before bed.
What is A Church?
Lately I’ve been doing some thinking about church. A church is: …a hospital for wounded soldiers …a resting place for weary travelers …a guide and outfitter for hearty adventurers …a training center for disciples …a place to wash one another’s feet …a family reunion for brothers and sisters in the faith …a feast for hungry […]
After Skipper and Yoder we looked for a purebred Golden Retriever. We found a breeder up near Butler, Ohio and talked him into selling us the runt of the litter. We brought her home and she never wore a lead. She never spent an hour in the dog run. She was never put on a […]